An introspective moment for Jed. Jed left the flamingo to wander the land further. He was outside now and began to look around. He gazed up towards the moon for inspiration. That's usually how inspiration happens, when one is looking at the moon. He realized that now, as he was starting to form into a liberated flamingo himself, he was able to move beyond the sadness and dark feelings of hate was having towards Stewart. He was freed from the pain. Set forth from the bondage. The only thing he wanted now was to see Stewart once again, and tell him of his freedom. Jed loved Stewart a lot.

Jed raced back to the House of Brave Men to find Stewart. Jed snuck in and with all the might he could muster up he pounced on Jed with all the happiness in greeting he could find in himself. It was an ecstatic greeting. Unfortunately for Stewart it was so ecstatic and happy that he was thrown to the ground and knocked out. The best Jed could assume was that Stewart was overwhelmed with joy to see Jed as well.

Jed spent the night resting on Stewart's chest. The next morning when Stewart had not woken up yet, Jed left him. Jed was happy to have been able to spend time again with Stewart, but now he understood they both had moved to a time in their lives where they were to both grow in their separate ways. Stewart was to become and artist, and Jed was to become a pink flamingo. This was the happiest moment in Jed's life.

Remember, the pink flamingo loves you too. Smile!!
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All content of imitation pickles (c) 1999-2008 - Phil Hassey  "we care"