Cuzco's Goat Bloat Game

philhassey's Ludum Dare 4th 48 hour game making contest site

April 16 6pm PST - April 18 6pm PST
Theme: Infection
Contest Site: here
Scoring: Overall, Innovation, Fun, Graphics, Sound, Humor, Theme, Completeness

The Goods

WARNING: this game crashes and locks up newer Windows computers. Download at your own risk.

** Download Game ** - Windows
Download Source - Linux , etc (pygame)
My Log - includes progress screenshots
Me being nerdy at my computer
Me being Jack Sparrow - sort of
Title screen shot
Game screen shot


I did pretty good. I came in 13th in the "overall" category, out of 66 entries. In addition, I won 3 pellies in other categories:

(the coolness pelly just means I bothered to vote on a lot of entries, which in my case, 56k, does deserve an award :)
You can view the full results here.


My Website - lots of crazy goodies, check out games to see what sort of junk I've made before
Pretty in Pink - dress yourself up in a pink dress just for fun.

Galcon   Watermelons   Dynamite   The Hairy Chestival
All content of imitation pickles (c) 1999-2008 - Phil Hassey  "we care"