
The truth behind the slander

Well, since you came here, I suppose you are the sort of person interested in hearing about the juicy bits of Cuzco's campaign. Find out how Cuzco is the victim of false suppositions, evil intent, and hoardes of cruelty.

Goats are letcherous

Dr. Wardwell has been loudly announcing to many of his classes that voting for Cuzco may indeed be some kind of subversive vote for a sex symbol. You'll have to judge for yourself. Note in the picture to the right that, although Cuzco is with a woman, he is hardly being letcherous. As a further note, Dr. Wardwell later admitted, "History may have been a bit harsh on the goat." However, may it be noted that one of the primary reasons many women voted for Cuzco was, "Well, he's better looking than any of the other guys."

Cuzco is known for greed and thievery

Unfortunately, it is hard for us to put a stop to this claim. Cuzco is known for being a greedy little weasel when it comes to feeding time in the evenings. Cuzco has even been known for his "mid-afternoon raids" of the grain bin. Sadly enough, being honest folk, we can't deny these claims. This image contains rather revealing footage of Cuzco diving into a bucket of grain that happens to belong to the horse named Easter.

Goats are satanic

Tragically, the most widespread rumor about Cuzco is also the most groundless. People sometimes say silly things like, "Look at the goat. He has satanic eyes!" or "Horns are evil!" or even merely "Goats are evil!" Really now, some people are just silly. Having horns and eyes of a different shape does not make you satanic. Cuzco prides himself on being a rather magnificent looking goat. Please don't hurt his feelings. Although pictures such as this appear to reveal the dark side of Cuzco, in his defense, he was being chased by a nasty little dog at the time.

A rebel

Again, endless attacks have been made on this cute little goat's character. Painful as it is, some of these attacks are hard to deny. Cuzco does, on occasion, throw himself to the ground and refuse to move. Once in a while, he'll ignore even the most urgent calls for him to come.


Cuzco firmly stands by his campaign platform. He is a Scholar Servant and a Gentleman. Regardless of the claims against Cuzco, he truly is a goat of many noble qualities.

Galcon   Watermelons   Dynamite   The Hairy Chestival
All content of imitation pickles (c) 1999-2008 - Phil Hassey  "we care"